Didn’t know there was a weather forecast for space, did you? Check out spaceweather.com for the latest and most complete weather report for… you guessed it! Space.
Why would this matter, you ask? Sun spots, solar winds, solar flares, and other occurances in space have a profound effect on the earth and its own weather. Sun spot and flare activity have been known to knock satellites and other electronic devices out of commission. Also, in case you are a “chicken little”, there are reports for PHAs (or Potentially Hazardous Asteroids). If you or your friends are planning a trip to planet or celestial object in our solar system, it would probably be a good idea to be aware of solar winds and solar flares. The resulting radiation could be fatal to you without the protection of the Earth’s atmosphere. For skywatchers, we see solar activity in the form of Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights). Spaceweather.com conveniently has an Aurora Report so you’ll know whether you should bother staying up past bedtime or not. There is a plethora of links to related news, space weather, and information that will teach you all you needed to know about the weather outside our atmosphere.
All in all, a very interesting site with useful information. A must have in your bookmarks (or favorites).