WP-Members has a number of shortcodes that you can use to make the plugin even more flexible. This is a general list of the shortcodes and their use. For more detail, I would recommend you visit the WP-Members official User Guide section on shortcodes. This page will link to more detail on each shortcode the plugin offers and explain how they are to be used.
While you are there, I would suggest that you sign up for the premium support membership. At $59, it is a good value and this price gets you access to the support forum, priority email support, a code snippet library of customizations, and access to exclusive plugin extensions such as registration blacklist, user tracking, PayPal subscriptions, and more.
Page Shortcodes:
These page shortcodes run various optional pages for the plugin. While they are intended to be used as stand-alone pages, in some cases they can be used with other content and can also function in conjunction with the login status shortcodes.
- [wpmem_profile] – creates a page where a logged in user can update their registration information or change a password, and a logged out user can reset a forgotten password.
- [wpmem_form register] – creates a page specifically for registration.
- [wpmem_form login] – creates a page specifically for logging in.
- [wpmem_form user_edit] – creates just the user registration data update portion of the user-profile shortcode.
- [wpmem_form password] – creates just the password change (user logged in) and password reset (user not logged in) portion of the user-profile shortcode.
For more information on the page shortcodes with specific examples, visit the plugin’s User Guide section on Page Shortcodes.
Login Status Shortcodes:
The status shortcodes determine whether content should be shown based on the user’s login status. NOTE: these cannot be used on content that is already blocked by WP-Members (i.e. you cannot have a page set to be blocked and then use the logged out status shortcode)
- [wpmem_logged_in]Content to display if user is logged in[/wpmem_logged_in]
- [wpmem_logged_out]Content to display if user is logged out[/wpmem_logged_out]
For more information on the login status shortcodes with specific examples, visit the plugin’s User Guide section on Login Status Shortcodes.
Field Shortcodes:
There is a shortcode that will allow you to display registration data to the user. This allows you to display the value for any of the registration fields for the specific user that is logged in. For example you could use this to display a welcome, first_name message:
- Hello [wpmem_field first_name]. Welcome to the site.
For more information on the field shortcodes with specific examples, visit the plugin’s User Guide section on Field Shortcodes.
Shortcodes for email messages:
The shortcodes that are used in the email content are used specifically in the email content dialogs (found in the plugin’s emails tab). These shortcodes allow you to determine certain content that can be added to emails to the user upon registration or to the admin notifying them of a new registration.
- [blogname] – the Site Title you have specified under Settings > General
- [username]
- [password]
- [reglink] – a link to the page the user registered on (useful to return a user directly to the content they registered to view)
- [members-area] – the members area where, among other things, the user can change their random password to whatever they want
These shortcodes are only available in the admin notification email:
- [email] – the user’s email address
- [fields] – a list of any of the registration fields
- [user-ip] – the user’s IP address when they registered
- [activate-user] -a link to the user profile page so they can be activated (used if moderating registration)
For more information on the email shortcodes with specific examples, visit the plugin’s User Guide section on Email Shortcodes.
i am allmost ready but when i changed the new options of the mail, i discoverd a security problem. as the owner of the site, i do not want to see with what password users subscribe. if i use the [fields] option, i see the password a user have chosen. i think this is not ment to be!
In this instance, are you also using the new feature of user defined passwords by adding a password field to the registration fields?
Yes, but i now read that a part of that function is not working… i deleted the field.
but is it something you change if the function is going to work?
I believe that you misunderstood – it does work. However, based on the process flow, that feature cannot be used in conjunction with moderated registration at this time. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work.
The fields shortcode currently puts all of the non-WP fields that are in the fields list into the body of the admin email. In the case of not using a user defined password, that would not be included. The values of any data that is included by the fields shortcode would be what is stored in the usermeta table, which the password is not. So, while it will include the password field name, there would be no value included. Did you find that to be the case?
Regardless, in the next update, I’ll be adding a bypass so that the password field is skipped from this process.
I need som help,how do i get the inlog form to show in my website?im using wordpress.
There are instructions for using the plugin in the ReadMe file included with the plugin, and on the plugin page are links to the Quick Start Guide and the full Users Guide.
This is a great plugin and all was working well, but now it has stopped sending automatic passwords on new member registrations. It collects the details and stores the new member but they are unable to login and I don’t receive an email advising of the new sign up.
This is without me changing any settings (although I have recently updated WP-Members plugin)
Can you help? Thank you
This will likely fix your problem: http://butlerblog.com/2012/01/23/wp-members-2-7-0-email-issues/
These issues are fixed in the 2.7.1 release, currently in public beta, which you can read more about here: http://butlerblog.com/2012/01/30/wp-members-2-7-1-beta-release/
Perfect fix!
Thanks Chad 🙂
I put the [members-area] on the pages, and I couldnt find the html/css code for that, my questions is How can I edit the wording ” New Users Registration” and where is the html/css for that wording? Thanks
I also wondering if its possible to have a new different page just for members only? i mean, right now im using a templates, but i want to add 1 more page just for members only. thanks
When you say you “put the [members-area] on the pages” do you mean that you put the [wp-members page=”members-area”] on a single page? The [members-area] shortcode is only for email (as indicated above), whereas the [wp-members page=”members-area”] shortcode is the user profile management area, it is not intended to be used on more than one page.
The HTML in the forms is not editable. You can customize CSS, though (see: http://butlerblog.com/2011/07/25/customize-the-wp-members-stylesheet/). If you insist on changing the “New User Registration,” the registration (and other) forms are in the wp-members-dialogs.php file and these can be customized as pluggable functions (see: http://butlerblog.com/2011/11/29/customizing-wp-members-with-pluggable-functions/).
Any page or post can be blocked or unblocked. Review the User Guide and Quick Start Guide for more on this, but essentially, you should be determining whether you want posts and pages blocked or unblocked by default and setting this in the plugin options accordingly. Then any given post or page can be given the opposite setting as needed.
Anyone know how to email everyone who has signed up and re-send them their passwords. I had the above version 2.7 error where the password email was not sent so several people are currently without a password.
A Deactivation/Reactivation feature was added in 2.7.1, so the easiest way would be to upgrade to 2.7.1, apply the patch discussed here, then deactivate/reactivate any effected users. The reactivation process will send them a new password.
Alternatively, if you are familiar with using MySQL directly, you could remove the “active” flag for all effected user IDs in the wp_usermeta table, then use the Users > WP-Members table to bulk activate all of those users (similar results as the above suggestion).
I did the above and can not find the activate/reactivate feature
For any users that need a new password, go to the user profile and deactivate them. Then you can reactivate them individually (on the user profile page) or all at once (on the Users>WP-Members page). Reactivating them will generate and email a new password.
Hello Chad
Thank you for this greaat plugin. These days I’m trying to replace the actual login form by a facebook login (eg using facebook connect plugin) but without giving up on WP Members. Meaning I have premium content accessible to members onlu (custom field block = true) but i would like this wp members protected content to be accessible through a facebook “like” and “login” so that we can extend our community of fans.
Is Facebook login (or “you have to like our fan page to access those pages”) compatible with a WP members structure ?
Kind regards
That kind of depends on your definition of “compatible.” Social and OpenID type login structures are compatible in the sense that, if they work with WP and allow the user to gain a WP recognized login state, then WP-Members will also recognize that as a valid login.
However, some of these plugins hook into the WordPress login form at wp-login.php to show buttons/links for alternate logins. Those features will not work – WP-Members has its own form so those are not just going to automatically show up.
Additionally, these plugins generally add the user to the WP user list. If you are adding additional registration fields to the user registration process, you will not obtain this data from users the come in via a social login unless they update their data.
Wow, thank you Chris for this rapid answer. Kind of a beginner so I’m going to look for an easy plugin to do that! by compatible I mean one that would allow FB login and like with already “block true” Wp members protected content
Have a nice week end
This is a great plugin. It seems to offer everything that I need however, how would I go about ensuring that a FB Login mechanism works with your plugin? Granted the FB Plugin does not include the custom fields that I will have. Can this be filled out on wp_member_area AFTER they have registered?
That would probably work. Not sure on that specific plugin, but they all work generally the same – a user is created in WP via the social login mechanism. This does bypass the WP-Members registration process, but the plugin does recognize the login (as long as WP recognizes it, WP-Members should in most cases). So then additional registration fields would be available via the members area if they wanted to update info.
Hi Chad,
I need to be able to change the title on the registration form which currently says ‘New Users Registration’. Basically swopping ‘Users’ for ‘Members’. I’ve read the reply you gave to Nelson 6/Feb/2012 with regards to copying the relevant function held in ‘wp-members-dialogs.php’ and amending it in a new file called ‘wp-members-pluggable.php’. However, I cannot find any reference to the file ‘wp-members-dialogs.php’ or and reference to the form title in any of the existing files?
Has this option been superseded?
It’s in wp-members-dialogs.php. A couple of caveats – First, I WILL be deprecating the legacy forms. This will probably facilitate putting the CSS forms back into the original functions – basically, wpmem_inc_registration_NEW would revert to wpmem_inc_registration. If you run this as a pluggable function, you’ll need to know that if/when this happens, you’ll need to update your custom function accordingly. Also, you have to be aware that even if you create a new version of the function, you need to check updates for compatibility. wpmem_inc_registration_NEW is a pretty large function to have to maintain to change a single line.
I don’t know your timeframe, but if you can wait for the next release, there will be a filter hook for the form. That will be wpmem_register_form. A preview of what this would look like to use this would be adding something like this to your functions.php file:
Thanks for the reply.
Chad. Any idea as to when the next release is coming out?
Hi Chad,
It would be useful to be able check to see if the plugin registration checkbox is set to ‘moderated’. I have a ‘moderated’ page redirection function, which should only be active when the client elects to moderate the registrations. They will be turning moderation off from time-to-time following seminars, exhibitions etc. It would be handy if I could set it as a conditional statement?
There is a constant for indicating registration is moderated – WPMEM_MOD_REG – which will be a value of 1 if it is.
I’m not sure of when the next release will be out. Generally, I announce it on the blog when it’s ready. Sometimes (and this will likely be the case on this one, too) I release it as a beta release candidate first. These can be downloaded from the wordpress.org plugin repository, but are not indicated via the automatic upgrade process, so you’ll need to watch the blog or my twitter feed for the announcement.
Thanks Chad. Just what I was after!
hey i just installed the plugin but i cant find the “members area” and “register page” pages how can i find them?
These are optional pages you would create using shortcodes. This is covered in the Users Guide, the Quick Start Guide, and the readme file included with the plugin.
Hi Chad,
Im in need of some kind of ID for the user that I can use later as a customer number, either one custom from WP-Members or maybe just snatch the user_id from WP, can you please help me with some code to get that value?
Thank you!
Certainly there is the user_id from WP. You could use that, or you could apply it (and other data) to an algorithm to generate something. If you are doing something when the user is logged in, you can use get_currentuserinfo to get their user data. Some other helpful WP functions might be get_userdata and get_user_by.
Hi Chad,
I have problem with the reCaptcha part. I could not register new member when I turn-on the reCaptcha option. There has no information returned in the message box and no new member registered. It just a blank box and register data staying on the page! If I turned-off the reCaptcha option, everything works fine and register success shows in the box.
Is there something I was missing to get this work?
Sounds like you are running this on a test server that does not match the domain of your reCAPTCHA API key.
It works! I was missing two characters when I copied the private key.
Thanks so much!!!!
great plugin, i use at my blog. Very easy to use and powerfull result. Thanks somuch.
Hi Chad, Great plugin!
One small thing… I have a registration page with text on top and below form, when a user registers I get the dialog popping up in between text. How can I get the dialog to open on a new page?
You can’t display it on a new page. But you could probably move its location on the page by using some CSS. The error messages are .wpmem_msg
Or, if you are talking about the successful registration message, if you wanted that to go to a new page, you could set up a “success” page and use the wpmem_register_redirect action hook. That hook (and all the others) are described in the user manual found on http://butlerblog.com/wp-members
Hi. We are building a news site for a client, and I would like to know if the “Notify Admin: Sends email to admin for each new registration?” can be set to a particular Administrator, or even an alternate role (we are managing the technical aspects of the site – widgets, plugins, etc.), but our client will be the one managing and maintaining user registrations and approvals. Thanks!
Hi Terri – At present, the plugin sends notifications to the email address that is specified in the WordPress General Settings. There is not an option to specify this to a specific user or role, although that might be something that I add in the future. Also, if you are restricting the access of the client (for example, so that they cannot edit plugins), you will need to specify edit users capability for their role as the plugin only loads various admin features based on role capabilities.
Hi Chad,
Firstly – Great plugin!
Can you help with this one please? The client is experiencing a small problem with the moderated emails containing they users’ name and password details not getting though. I’m guessing these emails might be getting caught by their spam filters. More specifically, I’m wondering whether it is the special characters within the password that is causing the problem? Unfortunately, these are corporate companies where the user doesn’t have access to spam filters or the ability to define a whitelist. Therefore:
– Is there a way of limiting the password to just alphanumeric rather than including special characters to see if that solves the problem?
– Or is there a way where the site admin can see the user’s password so they can send on a copy of their details if they flag a problem and the admin has to activate them?
– Lastly, a designated admin receives all of the activation emails and passes them on rather than them going directly to the user?
Hello Chad! Great Plugin!
I’m wondering if is possible to have 2 different fields checkbox, but able just to select one of those two, like 2 options that cannot be both at the same time, like for example Male or Female, you cannot be both, so if you click in one (male) you cannot click in the other one (female) I really need this option because I cannot use the dropdown menu option for this. I’ll appreciate a answer.
Hi Albert – what you are asking for is actually a radio button group which the plugin does not currently support. It may at some point in the near future, though…
Hi Chad,
Many thanks for this plugin. I’m using itnow on my site and really appreciate it!
I have 2 questions about it :
1. Is it possible to define a specific redirection page after login or logout?
2. I began to translate the plugin for FR and I have one issue : the “Existing users Login” message which appears as the title of the login form (when not connected) is not changing even when I add the FR translation in the langage file. Is there something specific on this item as for the others, there is no issue at all.
Many thanks.
Hi Pat – yes, you can specify a page to redirect both on login and logout. By default, the login puts the user on the page they were on when they logged in, and the logout drops the user on the home page. There are filter hooks to override these defaults. Both of these filters (and others) are described in the Users Guide found on http://butlerblog.com/wp-members. To use them, you will need to understand how to use WordPress filters (the filters in the plugin work the same as any other WordPress filter) using add_filter.
For the translation, there is an issue with the new version and the .pot file included in the download and it is that one line. I corrected it to be Existing Users Login and the .pot file needs to be updated accordingly. If you update this in your .po, you should be fine.
hi chad, really great plugin, i have some question, this plugin so much transfor my site to membership site, i have some modification on CSS the only problem for me, when i create special pages for login and register, when my user login to member area there is no change in my Login / Register menu name, its always show Login and Register, lets we call it can you add more features to implement Login Logout function that automaticly change on screen menu name when people login the menu we create LOGIN change to LOGOUT and Menu we create REGISTER disappear when user login???? sory if my english bad
The simplest way for me to explain this to you is to say that what you want to display different menus based on a user’s login status. See this post for details: http://butlerblog.com/2011/11/21/show-menu-based-on-wordpress-login-status/
Hi Chad,
What a great plugin. Thanks very much.
I wonder if you can explain how to retrieve a logged in users information. I have a hidden field that is created on registration which sets an “application status” value(e.g “Processing”,”Processed”,”Completed”.) against the user. I would like for the user to be able to log in to the site and view that field in [wp-members status=”in”] within a page. Is this possible?
Yes – there is a field parameter for the wp-members shortcode: [wp-members field=”fieldname”].
Hello, I am trying to register a tester user but registration fails:
got a page page called Register with [wp-members page=”register”], user fills the form with their data, and they receive an email with their created Username and Password plus the link to login.
When try to login using those username and password, it will returns incorrect username or password.
Where am I doing wrong, please?
Your plugin is great. It has been very helpful. We have used it on most of our websites. It turned our WordPress into a user-friendly website.
Keep up the good work!
There are quite a number of possible combinations of plugin settings regarding the registration process. You need to provide more information.
Is registration moderated (admin approval)? If so, at what point are you sending the password to the user. If you send it prior to user approval, it would be invalid.
Are users emailed a random password or are they choosing their own password? If user’s are choosing their own password and registrations are being moderated, it must be sent in the initial email.
Also, are you using any caching plugins on the site? If so, test it with caching disabled.
Many thanks for the answer.
No, i am not using cache plugins.
No, user cannot (yet) choose their own password: will be sent a random password via email actually.
I try to show you the situation: I got a registration and login page page, the settings of your plugin are: settings->wp members->options tab: checked Note: Posts can still be individually blocked or unblocked at the article level; Note: Pages can still be individually blocked or unblocked at the article level; Sends email to admin for each new registration?; Holds new registrations for admin approval; + I added urls to edit-member and registration using absolute path.
Field tab: checked and required Firstname;
Dialogs tab: filled with custom messages ( pure text )
Emails tab: correct admin email and default email messages, with shortcodes like:
New registration fields: Thank you for registering for [blogname]
Your registration information is below.
You may wish to retain a copy for your records.
username: [username]
password: [password]
You may login here: [reglink]
Beauvier: 1.when fill the form in registration page, you’ll be redirect to same page with the following message:
“Success! Your registration was successful.
You may now login using the password that was emailed to you.”
( Dialogs tab: Registration completed message )
2.You will check your email and get the message with your username and password. ( Registration is Moderated, User is Approved’s message )
3.You will click on the login page from the email and try to login with that data, and get a “Login failed! You entered an invalid username or password. message” ( message that i dont find in any wp members tabs ).
The scenario that I would archieve is: someone register to the site, after filled registration form, will be redirect to a page with ‘check your email to activate your username and login the site’ and then Administrators will receive an email to activate the user and they’ll can finally login and see premium contents.
Thought it was your plugin that would be helpfull in this situation.
Thanks again for the help and sorry if i missed some usefull info.
Just to clarify, since you are using registration moderation (admin approval of registration), you are sending the login credentials in the email “Registration is Moderated, User is Approved”?
Maybe it is a mine beginner-usage issue, but this is the body of Settings->WP members->Emails->Registration is Moderated, User is Approved ‘s field:
Your registration for [blogname] has been approved.
Your registration information is below.
You may wish to retain a copy for your records.
username: [username]
password: [password]
You may login and change your password here:
You originally registered at:
not sure if it is helpfull.
thanks for the help though
Hi Chad, Great plugin!
How can i add the radio buttons into the registration form
That should be working if the user is not selecting their own password. If you are not getting a valid password via the process, I would say that something outside of the WordPress/WP-Members process is interfering with the activation process. Also, it should be noted that passwords are case sensitive.
Sorry Chad, but i’m getting crazy.
How to let user choice their own password at registration step?
just add a new ‘custom password’ field in Fields tab?
It’s described in the User’s Guide:
“NOTE: if you add a password field, the Option Name MUST be password and you MUST set
this as both a displayed and a required field.”
ok, my fault then to havent read it deeply. I will tell you how it’ll goes.
thanks for the help and your time.
no luck.
I added a displayed and required password field but when i register an user, he’ll receive an email with a link to activate the user ( i dont find the field with that message anywhere in the wp-admin ).
I click on that link, i’ll get in that activation page ( I won’t it: I need to hold new registrations for admin approval ).
I re-check the email and get ‘ You are registered to [blogname], the following are your username to login into the site: ‘ and the password sent is the random one, instead the one typed in the password field.
At this point i go to wp-admin and try to activate the user, but it still reports ‘user isnt activated’.
I receive an email from ‘Registration is Moderated, User is Approved’ field. Without the password. eg: user: User — password: ( just empty ).
It is all a mess. Sorry if i disturb you.
I got something working: user will register with their own password chosen, he/she will receive a pending approval email without any data in; via wp-admin i’ll activate the user, he/she will receive a confirmation email with login data: username and password.
But the password value is just still empty.
I can login in the site with my chosen password, though. although no password is sent.
The rest of shortcodes are working: reglink and others.
Field label: password
Option name: password
Field type: password
Display and required: true
Why no password is sent?
In the email ‘Registration is Moderated, User is Approved’ field I got:
Your registration for [blogname] has been approved.
Your registration information is below.
You may wish to retain a copy for your records.
username: [username]
password: [password]
You may login and change your password here:
You originally registered at: [reglink]
This : [password] is just empty, like
username: foobar
Sorry again for the disturb.
i’d found http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-wp-members-pick-your-own-password-functionality-does-not-work#post-2812669
“You just need to update your email content accordingly by taking the password shortcode out of the approval email (and if you want to send it to the user, add it to the initial email). It cannot be sent when they are approved since it is encrypted when stored in WP.”
What that means exactly?
ok. it means add [password] to Email tab->Registration is Moderated->body email message.
Thanks again for your job.
If you are setting up the plugin so that a user chooses his own password, and you want to send him a copy of his chosen password (which would not be required since he already knows what it is), you MUST send it to him in the first email. You cannot send it in the approval email because the password is already encrypted in the database.
The reason that you can send a password to the user when using moderated registration and a generated password is that the password is generated at the time that the user is approved.
So if you are using moderated registration and user chosen passwords, if you are going to email the user his login credentials, you need to do it when the user registers.
I got another question: how to be sure that an user cannot be registered more than one time? I would to block them to use fake emails to be registered more than once to the site.
thanks for your time.
First, an email address can only be registered once. If you are using the default installation settings of the plugin, the second line of defense is that a random password is sent to the email address that the user used to register, so the user must at least have access to the address to gain the password (which of course can be changed later). Certainly, a person could have multiple email accounts which would allow them to circumvent that. But they couldn’t use a “fake” email in that case.
You also have the option of moderating the registration (requiring an admin to activate the user before they have access). That would allow you to do your own validation by whatever means you deem necessary.
Hello Chad and thanks for all your support.
I am using a field for the Password to be chosen at register step.What they asked to me is to have the following beauvier that I wasnt able to do, I assume:
1.user register.
2.user receive a confirmation e-mail with a link to be activated to activate themself.
3.Admins cannot be enabled to moderate their registration, since it could cause them troubles.
These restrictions makes me feel very confused, but this what they asked to me to create as login system.Since the registered user must be able to register him/herself only once. Then I need to setup the login system in order to let them confirmate their subscription via email link, without have the possibility use any fake emails, that would happens if there is no activation link in the email.
My current setup is just:
Options: block posts and pages. Sends email to admin for each new registration? ( yes: since admins should receive an email to monitoring what happens )
The email tab options is the default one.
I am very confused atm. I cannot use [activate-user] shortcode in Registration is Moderated email field, since that shortcode seems to be for admins only.
I hope that you can gimme a definitive solution and I hope that this comment of mine is clear enought.
thanks and sorry for the time i took from you.
It sounds like the possibilities with this plugin do not match those that you are trying to set up. So ultimately, the needed registration flow would need to change to match the plugin’s capabilities (not the other way around).
If what you need is for users to be required to provide a valid email address, then you want to use the plugin’s default setup. This sends them a random password to the email provided – no valid email = no access. They can then login and change their password to whatever they want. That accomplishes the same end goal as what you are trying to get to, just not in the same manner.
If you need another level of security to this, then you could require the user to be activated, but that is an admin process, not a user process.
It is really a pity then.
I have added two additional text fields and they work perfectly.
“First Name” & “Last Name”
My question, how do I access those [fields] independently in any generated email?
In the current version of the plugin, these would not be accessible via shortcode to the email being sent to the user. However, you can filter the email content of any of the emails and since you are in WP, you would have access to any WP native function as well.
The filters for the emails are:
wpmem_email_newreg – the new registration email
wpmem_email_newmod – new registration if using moderated registration
wpmem_email_appmod – user is approved (if using m
wpmem_email_repass – password reset email
wpmem_email_notify – admin notification
These all work generally the same way. Here’s a basic example:
As with any WP filter, this would go into your theme’s functions.php file. This basic example just adds to the beginning and the end of the default generated email. As commented in the code, you can use addition php functions or WP functions to filter the string any way you want as long as you return that filtered result at the end. You could access any of the custom fields with the WP function get_user_meta to pull that value and then put it into your email.
Hey Chad, When I Putting The Code “[wp-members page=”register”] It Doesn’t Work! Like Here : | And Also, The Log-In Page, Doesn’t Work Also! Here : | Will You Help Me? Please?
Is it possible you have something typed incorrectly?
Almost got me…don’t go there!
Viruses galore!
Thanks Roger. I checked the site with Sucuri (http://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/alecbelievers.co.cc/alecbelievers-register/) and it is infected. Michael – you’ll need to clean up your site first.
Hi … thnks for the nice plugin.
I have set “users must be logged in to comment”. Now there is a link below post/page that says “you must be loggedin to comment” and clicking this link takes to backend login page of wordpress. I need users to login/register through the page created by me using this plugin’s shortcode.
I know this can be done by editing template files and creating a link to my register page but would appreciate if the plugin takes care of this automatically.
thnks and regards
There’s not really a way to do that from within the plugin. It must be changed at the template level.
How come when I use [password] in an e-mail, it doesn’t show up when being delivered to the user? Is this a known bug?
If you have set up the plugin to use user defined passwords AND moderated registration, you cannot send the password when the user is approved. If that is the combination of settings you have set up, and you want to send the user a copy of their password (which is not a requirement, since they are choosing it), you have to do it in the welcome email and not the user is approved email. The default email content does not reflect this because that is not the default install of the plugin.
If that needs clarification, or you have another combinations of settings, let me know.
Great plugin, works very well.
Just wondering if there is anyway to show certain information to members based on their role. For example if a “Subscriber” is signed in, they can see a list of posts, but if an “Administrator” is logged in they can see several paragraphs of text?
i am using the short code [wp-members status=”in”] to hide content from users who are not logged in. But its not working. Its applied on an internal page form that i have designed and i want that to hide it from the user till he does not login into his account.
Do you have the closing tag with that ( [wp-members status=”in”] logged in content here… [/wp-members] )? Are there any additional shortcodes on the page? What version of WP-Members are you using?
Your plugin is awesome and had a great help ……thank u……..
On my WP Member login widget my “forgot password” link is not working and when they click it it redirects people to a registration page that is nonexistent. Where do I change the forget password option?
The forgot password link is generated from the URL that is set in the plugin options for the members area page, so if it is not working, it is quite likely that what ever is set for that setting is incorrect. This page in the User Guide discusses all of these settings: http://rocketgeek.com/plugins/wp-members/users-guide/plugin-settings/options/ see the section for Members Area URL.
Hello there !
I have a members page with a navigation bar and a widget for displaying status, my members page is using a template file for the layout.
With the template selected to my custom template the plugin is not restricting any content from the page, but if a switch back to default it works.
Can you please help me how I can use this with custom template pages.
This Plugin is awsome to use, As i am web developer and i used this in number of my websites. And its provide me great Help .
Thanks SO Much
I added custom profile fields for the users of the site and when I go to view their profile, it isn’t showing the custom fields for the information I requested. Any idea why? I’ve been researching for a few days.
Isn’t showing the fields? Or it isn’t showing data in the fields?
Are the fields set as required fields in the plugin field manager?
Are you using W3 Total Cache?
The users are able to input the information into the fields when they register but it is not showing up on the Members page or on their individual profiles when you click on their names. Only the original fields (name, website, profile, activity) are showing.
I have display checked and the fields are not set as required because I am not requiring that all people have a twitter account or amazon wishlist to signup.
I don’t know what W3 Total Cache is so I’m probably not using it.
Any fields that are not WP native fields will be included at the bottom of the user profile. If there is not data in there and you are not using a caching plugin, then the next question would be are you sure that users are putting data into those fields, since they are not required? Have you tested the form from the front end and determined that data is not being captured?
The plugin was working perfect till some time back. A problem I have noticed recetly is that the mail to admin does not contain the data in [fields] even though the new user has filled and submitted the information. Also the [reglink] is missing from the user email. Kindly help!
I am using W3 Total cache, any link with the problem?
I have the box checked to ‘ Hold new registrations for admin approval’
Which admin is supposed to get notified of these new registrations? The wordpress admin or the email address that is connected through WP-members?
Right now I am not getting any email notification of a new member registering…please help!
I’m not quite clear what the plugin-settings/options page (which you referred Chad to in a reply above) is saying under, for example, Members Area URL. When it says “allows you to establish a Members Settings Area…” and I specify a URL, does this mean that WP-members will then create the page at that URL ? Or do I need to create a page somehow and give WP-members the URL of that? If the latter, where is the bit of manual that tells me how to create such a page ?
Oh, I see – I have to create a normal wordpress page and include the “page shortcode” in it, then record the URL that wordpress uses for that page. It would help if that was made a bit more explicit in your documentation – there’s very little you can take as “read” for new users. I suppose making them google for what “page shortcode” might mean does result in their gaining a better understanding quite quickly 🙂
I understand that the full users guide is a bit verbose, but the setup is also described in the Quick Start Guide. I’m not sure how much more explicit I can make it.
It goes to the address you have specified in the WP settings. If you need it to be some other address (or addresses), there is a filter hook for the notification email address (see: http://rocketgeek.com/plugins/wp-members/users-guide/filter-hooks/wpmem_notify_addr/)
http://www.lmnobroker.com after filling all data on sign-up page when I click on submit, one pop-up comes where I have to confirm the agreement. I want to change content of that form. Can you please advice that from where I can do that?
I had a look at your site and while I see that you are using WP-Members, I have no idea where that pop-up is coming from. It is not part of the WP-Members plugin.
I am a webmaster to 20 wordpress sites and using your WP Members plugin. But I am not finding any option to use photo/image i.e. alternative to Gravatar. give some idea to add a custom field to define images for members or registrants.
Please reply ASAP.
Verbose is good! But I’d got here through a web search or a useful link and hadn’t actually found the full user guide or quick start guide when I first posted – typical programmer assuming I could figure everything out by just playing. However, in *this* page it says “These page shortcodes run various optional pages for the plugin” and it is far from clear to a new user what that means… when he doesn’t understand what you mean by “page shortcode”, or indeed “run optional pages”. It was not clear that I had to create my own pages and use these shortcodes within them. It would be nice to make that clearer on this post, however explicit the user guide might be..
Real useful plugin, BTW, although I found I had to add wordpress-access-control as well, since I wanted hidden content to be completely invisible to non-logged-in users, rather than the title and part (or all if I didn’t use ‘more’) of the post being visible. Less than 2% of my pages are ever going to be “members only”, but for those that are, I don’t want non-members (or anyone not logged in) to have even the slightest clue that the pages exist.
Thanks, Andy
There is not presently an option for a gravatar alternative.
Thanks Chad, for the response… But still I am waiting for that from you guys…
How can I make the login and registration forms show in a pop-up or, better yet, a lightbox? Also, is there a log-out shortcode?
How to remove
Forgot password? Click here to reset
on login page?
Clear the members area URL in the plugin options.
I installed and activated the plug-in. But I don’t see it doing anything on my site. I logged out of my admin page and was still able to access content. I went to my site with my PHone and none of the content was blocked.
It is necessary to enter shortcode somewhere?
That description would tend to indicate that you’ve not followed the installation instructions (most likely you are looking at posts without using the ‘more’ tag, or you are looking at pages without having set the plugin to block pages). I would suggest beginning with the installation instructions (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-members/installation/) and then reviewing the plugin’s support documentation starting with the Quick Start Guide (http://rocketgeek.com/plugins/wp-members/).
Hi Chad,
I really like your plugin and am using it on my website.
There is a slight problem though!
All the posts are restricted to logged in members. However, I find that search engine, esp Google throws up my admin username and Author Page and all the posts can be viewed by anyone following that link. For eg. mysite.com/author/admin username/page/16/ without the need to login.
Can you please suggest a solution to this problem.
Are you using excerpts in posts and/or the ‘more’ tag in post content? If not, any archive page (which an author page is) will show full posts (see the first point under “locking down your site” in the install information: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-members/installation/)
i have one query i want to check that there must be Upper caase letters Lower case letters as well as special character in password so how can i do that
Hi there, love the plugin. Thanks so much for sharing. Just one question, is there a shortcode to grab the user’s sign up/register date?
There is a tutorial for rocketgeek.com premium members on how to do that here: http://rocketgeek.com/filter-hooks/create-a-rule-for-updated-passwords-to-meet-certain-requirements/
There is a field shortcode that will display various registration fields for a user: http://rocketgeek.com/plugins/wp-members/users-guide/shortcodes/field-shortcodes/ “user_registered” would be the parameter. If you need this behind the scenes, however, you would want to extract that with get_userdata (http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_userdata)
Thanks Chad. I have another query. I want to integrate my website with a payment gateway. It seems WP Members is not compatible with CCAvenue payment gateway, which is the most popular one for India. Paypal is unsuitable for India, as there is no option to receive payment from within India. Could you please suggest a suitable payment gateway which is compatible with WP Members?
Please let me know if you’re looking for a writer for your blog. You have some really great articles and I feel I would be a good asset. If you ever want to take some of the load off, I’d absolutely love to write some content for your blog in exchange for a link back to mine.
Please shoot me an e-mail if interested. Thank you!
At present, there is only a PayPal option (this is a premium add-on). I’ll probably extend that to include other gateways at some point, but that’s a ways off in development.
First of all: great plugin, thank you, I surely will join the club.
How to configure it, or posts directly, to see on the right side of the title which post is free and which is for members only?
Merry Christmas!