One of these weeks, I’m going to get the Weekend Reading List out on a Friday like it’s supposed to be! But at least this is closer (Saturday morning). I’ve got a great list of articles (most from this week) that will help you in many different areas.
Kevan Lee writing for Jon Morrow’s Boost Blog Traffic put up a great list of 27 WordPress Hacks Every Serious Blogger Needs to Know. I must say that even as a heavy WP user for 10 years, I found a couple of new tips in this list that will make my (blogging) life easier. And I even used a few while writing this post!
Darren Rowse’s Problogger site has a short and sweet guest post How You Can Make Your Writing Twice As Fast By Making It 3x More Time Consuming – Wait, What? I will say that this idea is not new and it’s something that I do use all the time. It’s something I was taught in my high school composition class and it will make your writing take less overall time, and will greatly improve the quality.
Frank Sonnenberg has a great piece Instant Gratification: Are you selling your future short? This is something that everyone should read and give thought to. Years ago, I learned the discipline of delayed gratification and being disciplined in this area has kept me out of debt and allowed me to focus on building a solid financial picture. Instant gratification has gained steam in the culture – a culture of “I want it now” that builds a fragile lifestyle on debt and credit. Frank takes this beyond finances and describes how short-sightedness for instant gratification actually damages your long term results.
I’ve been trying to work more with Google+ these days – it is gaining ground in social media, although Twitter is still the king of the hill. Ryan Hanley has a good piece on implementing rich media into Google+ for more maximizing reach and engagement.
A killer headline is the beginning of great content. Without it, no one (or close to no one) will read your post (besides your mom). Demian Farnsworth has some great insight into better headlines with “6 Ways an Empathy Map Can Make Your Headlines Even Sexier.”
Well, that should keep you busy for the weekend and give you some great ideas to attack in the coming week!
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