As I am getting back in the saddle of blogging, I am wondering how I might boost the commenting on this site. When it was predominately content about WP-Members, there were always a lot of comments – mostly in terms of support questions, which is what eventually led me to launching to handle WP-Members support.
Now that I am back to focusing my posting on WordPress, blogging, and plugin development, I am hoping to also boost comments. Is that too ambitious?
I remember a while back that I read a guest post on Darren Rowse’s blog about automatically closing comments after a certain number of days in order to boost comments. The theory was/is that this helps push users to more recent posts to continue the discussion.
That sounds reasonable. I am wondering if it works. Does anyone have any experience with that? Has it worked for you?
I’ve also recently installed Disqus to manage comments. I am hoping that leads to better discussion (and hopefully easier for me to manage). I’m open to comments on Disqus, too, for those that have experience with it, good or bad.