Well, I’ve finally been able to get a new Quick Start Guide together for WP-Members. The re-do has been pending for awhile because I knew there would be a new admin interface with the upcoming WordPress 3.2 release scheduled for the end of this month. It always seems like when I spend the time to do a set of screen shots for something like this, that is when there is a big change to the admin theme. Fortunately, this time I was slow enough that they announced it prior to my doing the screen shots 😉
Anyway, it’s done and it is online. This time, rather than do a PDF, I’ve released it online. That way it will be easier to keep up to date for everyone. Rather than having to go get a new PDF, the current version will always be there.
This doesn’t replace the Users Guide. In fact, I intend to enhance the Users Guide next. That will continue to be the in-depth documentation of all of the features and uses of the plugin. The Quick Start Guide is intended to complement that; to be an easy way for a new user to get the plugin setup and going with minimal hassle. Then they can move on to the Users Guide for more details.
Check out the Quick Start Guide here.
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