I have had some success in (a) early adoption of various social networks and (b) seeing the marketing opportunities in terms of using them to generate blog traffic and income. But I must admit, Pinterest has been one that has eluded me.
So I was very happy to see Kristi Hines write a great post over at MonetizePros.com.
If you are looking for some good ideas of how you can not only jump on the Pinterest band wagon, but also turn that into some additional income for your blog or other ventures, you should definitely read this post.
While you’re at it, you might want to also read Kristi’s post . That should give you some additional ideas for monetizing LinkedIn as well.
i. If you don’t follow her blog, you should. She regularly posts good content that is rich with ideas for better blogging. You can also follow her on twitter: @kikolani.
Does anyone have any other ideas on how to monetize Pinterest?
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