Just about a month ago, I published a post about how to improve Google AdSense revenues by doing nothing more than following Google’s recommendations. Just prior to that, I had done a review of my sites based on Google’s recommendations for my own web properties and I implemented changes based on those recommendations.
Note that the changes were relatively minor – changing a couple of ad sizes and adding a few additional ad locations based on the Google AdSense recomendations.
Now I know that it has been too short a time to have solid statistical evidence that an improvement is in fact for certain. But I experienced such a dramatic difference in since the changes that I am led to believe that a solid improvement in performance and revenues is in fact apparent.
Looking back at the few months prior and after the changes were implemented, my traffic stayed relatively constant as far as AdSense is concerned. Not only was the number of page views fairly constant, but also the number of ads served and the number of clicks on ads was relatively constant.
Both prior and after the changes, my click through rate on ads averaged around 0.7%. Yet my earnings per thousand pages served increased by a whopping 38%! It went from an average of $2.18/thousand page views to better than $3.00/thousand page views.
It has only been six weeks since I implemented the changes, but I began to see immediate results and continue to see improved earnings from the same traffic that I had been generating before. While I will continue to monitor the results, I would suggest that the immediate evidence shows that changing to optimized ad sizes as recommended by Google AdSense resulted in an increase in revenues.
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