Do you do development work on plugins or themes, or just WordPress in general and find yourself with the need to create new WP sites locally on a frequent basis? Are you using XAMPP for that purpose?
If so, here are some simple batch files you can use to automate the process.
The first one will create a new WP site – it will create the database, the db user, install WordPress core files, create the wp-config.php, and run the WP setup creating an initial admin user account.
The second one is for destroying the site if you no longer need it. It will remove the db user and the database, and then delete all of the files and the directory.
Of course, this assumes you’re using XAMPP for this purpose, but a lot of people do, so if you’re one of them, then this may be helpful.
The batch files and instructions are over on my site dedicated to WP development:
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