Blog is the heart of a business. Many would nod in acceptance while others might be ignorant about the importance a blog holds in today’s digital world. If you do have a blog, up and running, then you have already taken the first step towards success. But, if you still find yourself in a dilemma regarding the importance of a blog then kindly read on.
Ease in working
Unlike a website where you have to worry about the style and format, a blog is simple and easy to work with. It is not mandatory to have any programming knowledge nor is it essential that you have any formatting skill. Write your content, click the publish button and there you are. This very ease in publishing your content is the foremost reason to own a blog.
Keeping your readers updated
A website is a static piece making your business to become static in the long run. Compensation can be provided by incorporating a blog within your website. However, you can have a separate blog for business wherein you keep your readers updated with the upcoming news in the industry. Readers or clients are very anxious to know about the inside happenings, and a blog is the perfect recipe to satisfy their hunger for information.
SEO edge
90% of surfers use Google as their prime search engine. The interesting fact about this search engine is that updated sites are given preference. Once you have set up your business, rarely will you update your website giving your competitors the cutting edge in SEO (Search Engine Optimization). To avoid being dwarfed by your competitors in terms of SEO and to attain better ranking, a blog becomes necessary.
Personalized touch
Readers and customers are the assets of your business. The more you get to understand them the better your business will thrive. Unfortunately, over a website, your customers hardly have an option to vote their voice. Look at a blog; they are just made for the very reason of sharing each other’s views and voices. Businesses can listen to their customers and their expectations within the ease of a blog. Customers who get the feeling that their voices are being heard by the firms turn into a greater asset.
Warnings and tips:
1. Your hosting company should be a reputable one so that your blog does not go down every time. If you are unsure about any hosting site then I would recommend webhostingpad or These two are not only good for hosting but they also provide huge discounts saving your budget.
2. Get a premium design for your blog. Free designs will spoil your reputation and eventually will ruin your business.
3. Do not rush in generating income from your blog at the very beginning. Allow it to grow for few months and then you can consider of gaining some income through it. In case your blog is representing your business website then I would recommend keeping your blog ad free.
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