Well, I finally did it. I bought myself a Kindle.
I’ve wanted one ever since they came out, but I hesitated early on with the 1st generation device. Due to the high price tag at launch, and the varied reviews, couple with the fact that I wasn’t sure I would even enjoy using an eBook reader, I decided to buy a refurbished Sony PRS-500. I liked the Sony and found the screen to be as easy to read as a regular book, unlike a backlit screen on a computer or other device. When the Kindle 2 came out, I thought I would upgrade but again, I could not justify the price tag.
But Wednesday, Amazon cut the price of the Kindle to $299. That’s still not cheap, but it was enough of a move to get me to buy. I bought one and got next day shipping and had the device in my hand by Thursday afternoon.
I already love it! The screen is easy to read, and it has 6 font sizes compared ot the Sony’s 3. I wasn’t crazy about the form factor originally (it looked like there was too much realestate used that wasn’t “screen.”) but I found it to be easier to hold and read like a book compared to the Sony.
I’m just getting to know the device, so I can’t do a full review, but that will come later. For now, suffice to say that if you like to read and have been contemplating an eBook reader, this is one nice device.